"History, Disrupted" is now available in Turkish
A new translation from The Kitap Yayınları has just been released
Amid the violence and instability in our world—and endless streams of commentary and analysis—this week I thought I’d take a pause and share some uplifting, personal news:
History, Disrupted has been translated and published into Turkish!
I was notified last week that the Turkish edition of my book History, Disrupted: How Social Media & the World Wide Web Have Changed the Past is now available from the publisher and book seller The Kitap Yayınları, headquartered in Istanbul. The publisher put out a social media post plus a beautiful image to make the announcement:
[Original] Yeni Tavsiye Kitap; Sosyal medyanın ve internetin tarih anlayışımızı nasıl değiştirdiğini, dijital çağda tarihsel bilgiyi daha bilinçli tüketmenin yollarını inceliyor.
[English translation] New Book Recommendation: It examines how social media and the internet have changed our understanding of history and ways to consume historical information more consciously in the digital age.
I’ve known this translation was in the works for the past few months; I received notification through my publisher that a Turkish firm had purchased the rights. How this particular translator / book seller learned of the book, I am not sure. I know that History, Disrupted has been read and sold around the world, and I have traveled to Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Kosovo within the past year—Bulgaria neighboring Turkey, and Skopje and Pristina being several hours from the Turkish border. Through the course of my travels, I’ve met Turkish diplomats and scholars from Turkish universities.
Whether those interactions led to this particular translation, I do not know. But, I’m delighted to be contributing to intellectual life and discussions in Türkiye. Many thanks to The Kitap Yayınları for purchasing the rights and working through the text to create this gorgeous volume.
You can purchase a copy for the Turkish speaker in your life—or have it as a collector’s item in your personal library—at https://thekitapyayinlari.com/altust-edilen-tarih-sosyal-medya-ve-internet-tarih-anlayisimizi-nasil-etkiledi
A return to the commentaries, analyses and podcast conversations will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead.
Until then, be well, be safe and be kind.
Congratulations! Getting a translation deal is like getting bonus books out of writing the one - and the one ALWAYS takes so much more work that you imagine.