Howard Zinn and "A People's History of the United States"
Thurs., April 22 * 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT on Clubhouse
This week in History Club, we’ll be talking about Howard Zinn’s best-selling book, A People’s History of the United States.
A People's History of the United States is one of the most influential history books ever written. It’s sold more than 2 million copies and inspired the Zinn Education Project, which has shaped history curricula in high schools and colleges across the U.S.
Zinn’s work and ideas have also been at the heart of the American culture wars, lauded by Progressives activists and Hollywood icons (such as Matt Damon), and criticized by Conservative pundits and politicians (including former President Donald Trump).
Who was Howard Zinn? Why did his book and ideas become so popular? What influence has Zinn had on American education, positive and negative?
Join us on Clubhouse Thursday night at 10 PM ET. We’ll do opening comments, followed by Q&A. (Add to calendar.) Portions of the discussion will be recorded.
NOTE: This event kick offs a three-day education conference on Clubhouse called EDUC8. The conference includes more than 150 sessions among teachers, scholars, educators, policymakers and government officials from around the world.
Below: A book cover for Howard Zinn’s, A People’s History of the United States.
See you on Clubhouse, Thursday, April 22 at 10 PM ET.
P.S. - This topic was suggested by Luzi Paz, a History Club listener in Italy! Want to suggest a topic, book or speaker for History Club? Go to